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A Map is Born

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

While attending a talk on local history of mysteries tour at Machimoodus State Park in Moodus, CT, I decided I wanted to create a map and legend of all the great locations being discussed. I also wanted to add a few of my own icons and stories that included other stories from around town. Check out our River Lore Merch store and the fantastic artwork created by East Haddam local artist Kristin Haddad. Kristin captured the feel of spook and piratey we were aiming for. We chose thirteen sites that cover East Haddam, Moodus, and the Four Corners area. The order follows the map numbers. We encourage you to take your shirt and go hunting up the sites for yourself. Please be considerate and never trespass anywhere that is private property. Each story that correlates to an icon will be discussed in individual blog posts dedicated to each.

  1. Moodus Noises

  2. Devil's Hopyard

  3. Messie The Moodus Reservoir Monster

  4. Connecticut River Ghost Ship

  5. Carbuncle

  6. The Battle of the East Haddam and Haddam Witches

  7. Nathan Hale School

  8. Black Dog of Machimoodus

  9. Daryl the Bigfoot

  10. Werewolf of Palmer Martin Road

  11. Grave of Sgt Timothy Gates

  12. Goodspeed Opera House

  13. The Millington Triangle Curse

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